
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Vera Falls, Malinao, Albay

Vera falls is located in Malinao, Albay. This is a beautiful falls with cascading mini waterfalls coming out from the rocks on the side of the main falls. 

Vera Falls, Malinao, Albay

How to go to Vera Falls:

If you’re coming from Manila, you can fly from Manila to Legaspi City or Manila to Naga Airport.  You can also ride a bus from Manila to Tabaco City.

From Naga City, ride a bus bound for Legaspi and tell the driver to drop you off at the Tuburan crossing at Ligao City. It’s that junction going to Tabaco City via the Sabloyon road. Then at the junction, ride a jeepney bound for Tabaco City. Tell the jeepney driver to drop you off at the junction going to Vera Falls. The junction is located at Barangay Comun. The travel time from Tuburan to Barangay Comun is about an hour. Barangay Comun is about 15 minutes travel away from Tabaco City. From Barangay Comun, ride a motorcycle or habal habal going to Vera Falls. The travel time is 15 to 25 minutes. The fare is 50 pesos per person.

There are times when the bridge going to Vera Falls is damaged or has been washed out especially during heavy rains, so if this happens and you have a big vehicle, you’ll end up travelling only from Barangay Comun to Barangay Soa, and then transfer to a motorcycle at Barangay Soa and continue your travel to Vera Falls.

Vera Falls, Malinao, Albay

There’s also another option if you’re coming from Naga City. This is what I did. During weekends, PNR train has a trip from Naga City to Ligao City. It’s about 1 hour and 45 minutes train ride for only 45 pesos. This is the cheapest way to travel because it is much cheaper and faster than riding a bus. However, the train coach are non-aircondtioned. And then from Ligao City PNR station, ride a pedicab and tell the driver to bring you to the jeepney terminal for Tabaco-bound jeepneys. This is near the Novo store. Or if you want to have some exercise, you can also walk from Ligao PNR station to the jeepney terminal. It’s just a 5 to 10 minutes’ walk. The fare for the jeepney from Ligao City to Tabaco City is 42 pesos and the travel time is about an hour. Tell the jeepney driver to drop you off at Barangay Comun, that’s before the Tabaco City proper. And then from Barangay Comun you can ride a habal habal or motorcycle to Vera Falls. Make sure that you make an arrangement with the motorcycle driver to fetch you for your return trip to Barangay Comun since there are no other public transportation passing in the area.

Vera Falls, Malinao, Albay

If you’re coming from Legaspi City, you can ride a jeepney, van, or bus plying the Legaspi City-Tabaco City route. The travel time is 30 to 45 minutes and the fare is 30 to 50 pesos depending on the transportation mode that you will be riding. Then at the plaza near the Tabaco City Hall, there are motorcycles or habal habal bound for Vera falls. The travel time from Tabaco City Hall to Vera is roughly about 20 to 30 minutes.  You can also ride a tricycle bound for Barangay Soa and then from Barangay Soa, ride a motorcycle to Vera. The fare for tricycle from Tabaco City proper to Barangay Soa is 17 pesos and the travel time is 10 to 15 minutes.  The fare for the motorcycle from Barangay Soa to Vera is 50 pesos. A tricycle has a 6-person seating capacity so if you’re a solo traveler, you’ll need to wait for the other passengers or the tricycle needs to be at its full capacity before it leaves. The tricycle terminal for tricycles bound for Barangay Soa is near the Tabaco church.

Vera Falls, Malinao, Albay

There is a parking area near the entrance going to Vera Falls. There’s no fee being paid at Vera falls since there’s no entrance fee and there’s no cottages at Vera. Bathroom or comfort room are also non-existent although there’s a small sari sari store near the waterfalls. The trek from the parking area to the falls is just 10 to 15 minutes. The trail going to Vera is a concrete stairs. If you don’t have your own car and you just rode a motorcycle going to Vera, make sure to make an arrangement for the return trip going to Barangay Comun or Tabaco City, or else you’ll end up walking for several kilometers.


  1. Hi! My friends and I are planning to go to Vera or Busay Falls tomorrow, however, we have no idea how to get there thru public utility vehicle. Good thing that you posted this. Thanks much and more safe trips!

  2. You're welcome. Have fun sa trip nyo sa Albay...

  3. Very informative. Good job! -Mariel

  4. hi, my friends are planning to go to vera falls after going to mayon volcano. Can tell us how to commute from mayon? is vera falls open 24 hrs. tnx
