
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Busay Falls, Malilipot, Albay

Busay Falls is located in Malilipot, Albay. Busay is a multi-tiered waterfalls.  The locals in the area have said that Busay Falls has about 7 cascading waterfalls.

Busay Falls, the main falls

How to go to Busay Falls:

If you’re coming from Manila, you can fly from Manila to Legaspi City or Manila to Naga Airport.  You can also ride a bus from Manila to Tabaco City or Legaspi City. The travel time is 10 to 12 hours by bus. From Tabaco City, you can ride a tricycle to Busay Falls. Busay is just 15 minutes ride from Tabaco City. You can also ride a jeepney bound for Malilipot and you can drop off at the junction going to Busay Falls. There is a large sign that says, “To Busay Falls”. From that junction you can ride a habal habal or a motorcycle going to Busay Falls. I haven’t tried this method, however, there are a lot of habal habal parked at the junction going to Busay so I guess they are the public transportation in that area. You can also rent a tricycle or a motorcycle at Tabaco City to go directly to Busay Falls. The price is around 80 to 100 for one-way trip only.

the second falls

There’s also another option if you’re coming from Naga City. This is what I did. During weekends, PNR train has a trip from Naga City to Ligao City. It’s about 1 hour and 45 minutes train ride for only 45 pesos. This is the cheapest way to travel because it is much cheaper and faster than riding a bus. However, the train coach are non-aircondtioned. And then from Ligao City PNR station, ride a pedicab and tell the driver to bring you to the jeepney terminal for Tabaco-bound jeepneys. This is near the Novo store. Or if you want to have some exercise, you can also walk from Ligao PNR station to the jeepney terminal. It’s just a 5 to 10 minutes’ walk. The fare for the jeepney from Ligao City to Tabaco City is 42 pesos and the travel time is about an hour. And then from Tabaco City, Busay falls is about 15 minutes tricycle ride.

third falls

fourth falls

Busay Falls is a multi-tiered waterfalls, that means there are other falls aside from the main falls. So if you’re adventurous enough, you can hike to the other waterfalls. The trail going to the other falls begins at the entrance gate. You can also hire a guide if you don’t want to get lost. Just pay from 50 to 100 pesos for the guide.  The 2nd falls of Busay is located just about 15 minutes hike away from the main falls.  And the 3rd and the 4th falls are just a few meters away from each other. The 3rd falls is about 15 to 20 minutes hike from the 2nd falls while the 4th falls is just a few meters from the 3rd falls.  The 5th, 6th and 7th falls are a bit farther from the other falls so you’ll need at least the whole day if you really want to explore the 7 waterfalls.

Busay falls, the main falls

There are also some cottages near the main falls or 1st falls. The pool near the waterfalls is ideal for swimming since it’s not that deep. The fee for the cottages ranges from 100 to 150 pesos. If you’re coming to Busay and you’re driving your own car, you will also need to pay the parking fee of 100 pesos for vans and cars and 25 pesos for motorcycle and tricycle. The entrance fee  at Busay is 10 pesos per person.

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