
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Earth Day 2012 in Calabanga, Camarines Sur.

Yesterday, while I was making my blog entry for Calabanga, I suddenly stumbled upon on these group of pictures that was taken by me a few months ago.  I was organizing the photos in my folder and I saw the Earth Day event pictures and I wondered whether or not I already did a blog entry about that event and only to find out that I haven’t uploaded and did a story about the said Earth Day 2012 event.

Barangay Cagsao, Calabanga

Anyway, the pictures show the mangrove tree planting activity that was conducted last April during the Earth Day 2012 celebration. The tree planting activity was conducted in Barangay Cagsao, Municipality of Calabanga in Camarines Sur. The activity was sponsored by an NGO which was also participated by different community and school organization. Weeks before the said activity, a friend of mine invited me to join her organization for the tree planting activity. I always want to join activities that benefits the environment so when my friend invited me, I didn’t hesitated to say yes.

The mangrove reforestation site in Calabanga

the volunteers in action

The mangrove plantation in Barangay Cagsao, Calabanga is probably the largest mangrove plantation site in the province. The barangay has been managing the mangrove site for several years now and most of the mangroves that have been planted a few years ago are now about a few meters in height. The mangrove has a lot of benefits to the community. The mangroves help to prevent coastal erosion by stabilizing soil and sediment and it also helps in protecting the coastal community from the waves during storm surge. The mangroves also serves as a spawning ground for many marine animals and this could mean, the community will benefit from the increase numbers of fishes near the mangrove ecosystem.

During the Earth Day event, hundreds of people planted more than a thousand propagules or mangrove seedlings. I know a few years from now, those mangroves that we’ve planted will soon became the home for thousands of marine creatures and this will not only benefit the community in Barangay Cagsao but it will also benefit everyone of us.

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