
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Panglao and the Dumaluan Beach in Bohol

One of my favorite beach in the Philippines is the Dumaluan Beach in Panglao, Bohol. The place is a perfect picture for that beautiful tropical beach. Fine white sand, crystal clear water, tranquil environment, not too touristy type of beach, but with several amenities for your convenience.

Bohol Beach Club, Dumaluan, Panglao

Bohol Beach Club, Panglao, Bohol

Bohol Beach Club

Panglao is a municipality located in Panglao Island, Bohol province. There are two municipalities in Panglao Island and this island is connected by a bridge from the mainland Bohol. The island of Panglao has 2 known beach. One is the famous Alona Beach, where most of the hotels and business establishments are located, and the other one is the Dumaluan Beach. Only few hotels exist in Dumaluan Beach. One is the famous Bohol Beach Club and the other one is Dumaluan Beach Resort, which is a little bit less expensive compared to Bohol Beach Club. There are also a few hotels and resorts nearby but I forgot their names.

Dumaluan Beach

Dumaluan Beach, Panglao

Dumaluan has a very fine white sand. This beach has one of the finest white sand beach that I’ve ever been. I can’t compare it to Boracay since I’ve never been to Boracay but if you’re familiar with Pagudpud’s Blue Lagoon, Calaguas or Camiguin’s White Island, the Dumaluan beach has finer sand compared to those 3 beaches. I don’t know about the sand quality in Alona Beach, also in Panglao, because I never had the chance to visit Alona even though it’s only a few kilometers from Dumaluan. But some tourists state that Dumaluan has finer sand compared to Alona.

Dumaluan Beach is not that expensive place to spend your vacation, unless you’re spending your vacation at Bohol Beach Club, which is a little bit expensive resort. There is a cheap place to have your breakfast, lunch or dinner at Dumaluan. Near the Dumaluan Hotel and Beach Resort, there’s a barbeque and grill where you can buy affordable meals.  Due to the limited number of hotels in Dumaluan, you only have a limited choice for restaurants, compared to Alona, where most of the hotels and resorts are located. There are few restaurants located a few kilometers from Dumaluan but you’ll need to rent a motorcycle or walk to reach those restaurants.

Dumaluan Beach Resort, Panglao, Bohol

Dumaluan Beach

 Most of the time, when you get a package for Bohol Island trip, the island of Panglao is not included. You’ll need to pay an extra fee to include Panglao in the tour package. Panglao is a few kilometers away from Tagbilaran City. You can ride a jeepney, tricycle or a motorcycle to reach Panglao or Dumaluan beach. It’s about 20 to 30 minutes ride from Tagbilaran Pier and Tagbilaran Airport. There are only few jeepneys travelling to Panglao, so if you’re in a hurry you can rent a tricycle or motorcycle. I don’t know the rates for the motorcycle or tricycle rental because when we went to Bohol, we included Panglao on our itinerary for the package tour and we have rented a van for the tour.

The cheapest way to reach Bohol from Cebu is via Tubigon, Bohol. The fastcraft rate is cheaper compared to Tagbilaran and much shorter travel time. The travel time from Cebu City to Tubigon, Bohol is only about an hour but you still need to travel by land to reach Tagbilaran or Panglao. That’s an hour to 2 hours of land travel to Panglao from Tubigon. I’ve never tried this route but I’d like to try this the next time that I’ll be going back to Bohol. There’s still a lot of destination to visit in Bohol and I’m sure it’s worth to visit.


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